Monday, June 13, 2011

Where do you get your news?

I absolutely watch The Daily Show and the The Colbert Report.  (Job Stewart and Stephen Colbert have both made a lot of coin with very little talent!)

Seriously, I watch both because they talk about most of the important national and world news that is going on.  They do it with a style and attitude that keeps my attention.  News is not alway pleasant and sometimes hard to hear.  It can also be depressing and hard to understand.  These two presnt it in a way that makes you think for yourself and allows you to see the lighter side of things.  They obviously have thier own attitudes and opinions about what is going on in the world.  Besides being hilariously funny at times, I often find myself agreeing with their take on things.  They call it like they see it and make no apologies.  I think that there are many people in the world that agree with them but are too afraid to share their feelings.  I give them Big Props for keeping it real!

When you compare these two shows with the major network news shows, I think you will see that they simply appeal to our generation.  There are several reasons for this.  1. I can't tune into an old dude, setting at a desk wearing a boring suit while trying to bring me up to speed on what went on in the world today.  I don't want to be lectured too or read too. I want to kick back and relax when I get my news.  It is important that I know what is going on, but come on, give it to me in a way that keeps my attention.  Jon and  Stephen do just that

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