Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rupert Murdoch....You Da Man

Ruperty Murdoch is certainly one of the most intelligent business men in the world.  This may be my opinion but how can you argue with the enormous media empire he has built?

His company, News Corporation is among the largest, richest and most successful businesses in the world. Rupert got his start in 1952 when he inherited Adelaide News (an Austrailian mid-size daily) and the Adelaide Sunday Mail. He then started buying business after business. In between buying businesses, he started others. His parent company, News Corporation currently owns newpapers, television stations, movie studios, production companies and much more. In 1985, Rupert even became an American citizen if for no other reason than to be able to purchase even more American businesses.  The American Dream comes true, for an Austrailian! (Lets not overlook the fact that he also owned the Los Angeles Dodgers at one time!  America's Pastime!)

The News Corporation empire is true synergy in action.  The subsidiaries are all tied togther and have the ability to self promote each other and build foundation for continued growth.  I realize that some of you may feel that too big is a bad thing.  You may ask, "when is enough enough?" or, "when is big big enough?" I can't answer that.  But I do not have a problem with Rupert or his business continuing to grow.  I have found nothing to show that he is breaking any laws.  More power to him.  Go Rupert Go!

Monday, June 20, 2011

View from the Top(pers)

Looking at the most recent stories coming from WKU, I see what you should expect to see, self-promotion and announcements. This is a true combination of Public Relations and Journalism. 

The self promotion (Public Relations) include making the announcement that our on-campus high school was voted to be among the top high schools in the U.S.. announcing student achievements and awards as well as other positive references to student/university accomplishments.

It serves us well to also make the public aware of what is happening on the campus (Journalism).  The next scheduled Regents meeting, summer camps and Nursing courses.

Both types of stories are extremely beneficial to the campus, faculty and student body. The PR makes the public aware of the accomplishments we are acheiving.  The journalism makes the public aware of the activities on campus. 

While much of the WKU news will reach out into the community and be reported on, not everything will be deemed as newsworthy.  This is simply a matter of priority for the outside reporting.  Bowling Green and the surrounding communities are very dependant on WKU.  It serves them well to stay on top of what is going on and report it to their readers.  The community and the campus are linked together and by working together, each will be stronger.  They can reach the Top(pers) past, present and future by working together!

Automobiles--"Ours is the best!"

One of my favorite subjects to write about, talk about, and watch, is the automobile.  While certainly not an expert on automobiles, I believe I probably know much more than the average college aged teenager.  Enough about me and what I know, what do advertizers want us to know about the automobile?

Many of the commercial advertizing you see on TV for automobiles have similiar characteristics.  You see a hot car, driving at high speeds, and performing like a dream.  (Watch the small print flashed across the screen..."Closed track and professional driver...")  These characteristics make the consumer believe, at least until they see the next automobile commercial, that "this must be the car for me"!  The advertizers are trying to sell you that their car is the best looking, the fastest and has the best control of any car on the market.  The truth is, while we all have our favorites, most cars built today are very similiar in construction, performance and design.  It comes down to what appeals to each of us. 

Regarding the timing of these automobile commercials, you will see them during sporting events.  Who watches the most sports on TV?  Men.  Who is the person behind most sports car purchases?  Men.  This is not to slight women.  Actually it is a compliment.  Women will almost always find something more constructive for their time than a 2 hour sporting event on television.  Women will also use their intelligence when buying a car.  (Is the sports car really the best available option to get the kids to school and baseball games?)

I don't believe you will find much product placement in automobile advertizing.  It may be a stretch but you may consider the Goodyear Tire that you see when the car spins to a perfect stop.  You may pick up on the Bose radio when the driver reaches to turn on the radio,  I am not sure these would qualify as true product placements because they are actually available on the automobile when you purchase it. 

Overall I believe that automobile advertizing is quite effective.  Have you seen the prices we pay for our cars and the sales numbers?!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Movies influenced by books

I searched the internet for the top movies in 2010.  I found a Top 100 List at http://www.boxofficemojo.com/ and the order was based on domestic gross revenue.  The top 10 movies and their gross are

1. Toy Story ($415,004,880)
2. Alice in Wonderland ($334,191,110) *
3. Iron Man 2 ($312,433,331)
4. the Twilight Saga: Eclipse ($300,531,751) *
5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 ($295,001,070) *
6. Inception ($292,576,195)
7. Despicalbe Me ($251,513,985)
8. Shrek Forever After ($238,736,787)
9. How To Train Your Dragon ($217,581,231) *
10. Tangled ($200,821,936)

Out of the top 10 movies, 4 are based on books.  Alice in Wonderland is based on a childrens book. The Twilight Saga series is based on a best selling book and appeals to both young and old.  Obviously the Harry Potter series (books and movies) are among the most popular books/movies in recent history.  How to Train Your Dragon was loosely based on the book of the same name. 

While the majority of the top 10 movies were original, the fact that 40% were based on books proves that the oldest media in history is still extremely influencial in our lives.  It makes sense for movie execs to jump on the back of a best selling book.  The movie will almost always be a success.  My pops always tells me, "you don't have to reinvent the wheel, just make improvements to the existing one."

Alice in Wonderland (2010)BV$334,191,1103,739$116,101,0233,7283/57/8
3Iron Man 2Par.$312,433,3314,390$128,122,4804,3805/78/19
4The Twilight Saga: EclipseSum.$300,531,751

Alice in Wonderland (2010)BV$334,191,1103,739$116,101,0233,7283/57/8
3Iron Man 2Par.$312,433,3314,390$128,122,4804,3805/78/19
4The Twilight Saga: EclipseSum.$300,531,751

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


The only magazines I read with frequency are either about cars or sports.

I read every issue of Car and Driver. I like the fact they test drive and report on all the new cars before they hit the street. The writers are experts and know their stuff when it comes to cars. They give the specs on the engine as well as  other information like mpg, transmission specs, top speed and report on the overall drive and ride of the car.

When possible, they have pictures of the cars they are reporting on. This is not always possible if the car is not available for sale by the time the magazine hits the streets. 

The advertizing in Car and Driver is obviously relevant and centered on the automobile industry. If they are writing an article on a high performance sports car, you will often find advertizing for high performance tires and accessories located near the article. This makes sense since the article will be read by people that are interested in this type of vehicle and therefore will be interested in the products that are being advertized there as well. It would not make sensee to write an article on the 2012 Lamborghini Aventador that costs nearly $400,00, and then put an add for high mileage engine oil in the middle of the artical. (Although the Aventador is often the 4th or 5th car for its owner and they may have a high mileage slug setting somewhere behind the garage!)
In my opion, the types of advertizing and its placement is as important as the articles themselves and Car and Drive does a very good job

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Being from Louisville, I am going to focus on the Courier-Journal, also known as the CJ.

Currently, the CJ is the 42nd largest newspaper in the U.S. based on daily circulation.
(...for the six month period ended September 30, 2010.[3] These figures are compiled by the Audit Bureau of Circulations.)  Their circulation numbers have continued to decline like many newspapers through out the country.

This is due to many reasons.  People are busier than ever and have less time to set and read a newspaper.  You can turn on the radio or television and get immediate news updates.  Some people say they no longer buy newspapers because they are bad for the enviroment when thrown away. 

In my opinion, the CJ is loosing subscribers due to its reporting and positions on local and national news as well.  There is no doubt that it is a very liberal rag.

The decline in circulation combined with the struggling economy means less advertizing as well.  If you add the money lost declining circulation together with the money lost from fewer advertizers, the CJ has to be hurting.  How long can they continue to loose money?  The only thing that may save them is that they are owned by the Gannett company.  They have deep pockets.

My Pops reads the CJ daily although he hates it. He uses the internet and watches the newschannels but is still old school and likes to read the paper. He said the paper is half the size it used to be.  He said it would not surprise him if they reduce the number of days the paper is available.

One way the CJ can stay in business is to focus on their internet site more.  They need to make the site more useful and informative.  They also need to make their site easier to use. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

MLP 7: Foreign Characters

The characters in American films are vast and differ most of the time. You have the sports hereo who wants to do art, the war hero who cant die, the ugly girl who turns out is extreamly good looking. But forign characters are normaly either the enemy, the dumb forigner or the funny one. An example is both the Hangovers. You have your cast of all white males who with one funny one, one good looking one, one normal one and so on and so on. But you have the one single chineese character and he is the criminal, drug acdict.
Another example is action movies. Almost always the enemy is made appearent by their skin color, language and so on. In my opinion American movies certaintly look at forigners through the stero-typical view point.

Where do you get your news?

I absolutely watch The Daily Show and the The Colbert Report.  (Job Stewart and Stephen Colbert have both made a lot of coin with very little talent!)

Seriously, I watch both because they talk about most of the important national and world news that is going on.  They do it with a style and attitude that keeps my attention.  News is not alway pleasant and sometimes hard to hear.  It can also be depressing and hard to understand.  These two presnt it in a way that makes you think for yourself and allows you to see the lighter side of things.  They obviously have thier own attitudes and opinions about what is going on in the world.  Besides being hilariously funny at times, I often find myself agreeing with their take on things.  They call it like they see it and make no apologies.  I think that there are many people in the world that agree with them but are too afraid to share their feelings.  I give them Big Props for keeping it real!

When you compare these two shows with the major network news shows, I think you will see that they simply appeal to our generation.  There are several reasons for this.  1. I can't tune into an old dude, setting at a desk wearing a boring suit while trying to bring me up to speed on what went on in the world today.  I don't want to be lectured too or read too. I want to kick back and relax when I get my news.  It is important that I know what is going on, but come on, give it to me in a way that keeps my attention.  Jon and  Stephen do just that

Sunday, June 12, 2011

MLP 5 Generations and TV

First response.... "Dear God PLEASE don't make me ask my parents what they watched on TV!"  But I sucked it up and ask for the sake of the grade!  The resounding answer was.. .YES TV has changed and not for the better. The only thing that we can agree on is that Seinfeld is a good TV program... Guess what they had to say..... " Too much violence, too much sex... too much reality TV!"  Nothing surprising in this assignment...    Well... all I can say is that I still see my parents sitting on the couch every night  watching plenty of today's corruption!  My mother lives for Glee and American Idol and Pops doesn't miss an episode of  the Big Bang Theory or Hawaii 50... so I guess our generation has been a bad influence  on our parents.

Question.... Is society a reflection of media or media a reflection of society?  It's the ever confusing Chicken or the Egg question......

MLP 4 Local Radio Stations

Choices... choices.... too many choices!  How many times have you heard someone say, " there is nothing on TV?!" Unbelievable huh!? Most of us have cable, satelite t.c. giving us hundreds of channels!  and it is true... sometimes there is nothing of interest on! Have you ever heard someone say they couldn't find any good music playin? Ironic... because as I searched for the number of local channels I learned that there are relatively few (considering there are hundreds of TV) channels. However, the diversity is pretty broad. Just to keep good 'ole competition and free market in play there are at least 2 of each genre in the local range.  We have WLLV and WJIE competeing for the Gospel/contemporary Christian, WAMZ and WAKY for country, DJX and XMA for Top 40... and so on. 
There seem to be more local talk radio stations competing for the airwaves than music... maybe that is because so many people want there opinions heard and are under the delusion that there is a wide audience that actually wants to hear it.  Maybe the trend in our area is to debate more than to simply enjoy the sound of music!   I didn't come across any grassroot folk music stations which surprises me considering our surrounding rual areas. Although I won't pretend that I will miss that particular genre!

I did find it interesting that the local colleges and even a few high schools have their own radio stations... I wonder if the format of those stations have changed with the student body?   

MLP 3: Local Music Label

First… let me say I was surprised to know that there were so many local music Labels. Seriously, when someone mentions Louisville,  pop culture does not come to mind—Yes, Horses, bluegrass, basketball  and definitely gorgeous women..But not music.   But….surprisingly enough there were several music labels founded in Louisville including, the  more notable Initial Records ( hard core rock—yuck BTW) and Label X (mainstream adult contemporary) to the more recent Sonablast, Karate Body, and Noise Pollution records.  If you are an inspiring singer there are many avenues for you in Louisville—if you take the time to look.

After Googleing (is that even a word?) around a bit I decided to write my MLP on Ear X-tacy records.  The Founder John Timmons said he created the label as an “an altruistic vehicle designed to help out local artists with promotion (www.louisvillemusicnews.net). I like that….in it for the good of music not the all mighty buck!
Although Timmons message to “Keep Louisville Weird” is front and center in all that he does, he manages to cater to a wide variety of music lovers including those that want the “commercial crap” as he calls it.  Timmons was quoted in a recent Louisville Music Scene article to say, "We're always changing the mix as to what we carry. We have to listen to our customers as to what they want. As far as music goes, it changes constantly." (www.louisvillemusicscene.)"

Timmons message is the same in his recording business started in 1995 (although business may not be the right term as Timmons does not claim to make money at it) as his well known local Louisville retail store on Bardstown rd. The Ear X-tacy label has promoted Artist to include Tim Krekel (with and without the Groovebillies), Bryan Hurst (with and without the Lolligaggers), Heidi Howe, Dick Sisto, Butch Rice, Kathleen Hoye, Ut Gret, The Pennies, Lexington's Taildragger and The Mighty Jeremiahs, whose nationally-recognized self-titled release from last year is the label's biggest seller. The genres produced include singer-songwriter pop, country, blues-rock, jazz, Alternative, improvisational and Christian alternative.
Ear X-tacy may have an advantage over previously failed record labels because the store and founder are somewhat of a local treasure.  As long as Timmons isn’t in it for the money… he may just survive the quickly changing world of the music Industry because he relishes the change and honors the diversity in music as part of our culture (although his quotes make me believe he does not "honor" those that just spit out music to make a buck rather than a statement of theor own choice...whatever that may be.)  Timmons, a musician himself, started the label to help local artist be heard.

The music business has proven to be a difficult make money at. The business has just changed so much," Leslie Stewart, a former DJ for WFPK and longtime promoter/enthusiast of Louisville music, said. "People don't need labels to get their music out there. I think that labels as a general rule are dinosaurs, and they don't make sense for either the artists or the people who own the label."

Jeffery Smith, founder of Label X records, agreed and decided he could not hang any longer. "I had to put the label down like you shoot a horse. I don't think you can sell records anymore. I think you have to say music is free, at least for now, so you have to figure out what can you sell other than music." And while Timmons has had the same thought on many occasions he quickly changes his mind when a young Artist comes to him for a little help… promising to pay him back when they “make it big.”
  Timmons…. I say, Keep up the Good Weird fight! 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

MLP Two: Cookies

           I feel like a fool for not being able to find where the cookies are stored, but then I read a couple of the other kids in my class blogs and they couldn't either. I have deleted them before when deleting my history but never actually seen a list. But i can still give a (slightly) educated response or view on them.
        My first thought about them is bad. It mite be silly but I just dont like the idea of there being a database out there that has everything Jay Kobiska has done, or been to on the internet. I have nothing to hide, but at the same time that is a little off-putting. Im not a very private person to say, but  I dunno...that picture is still in my head of a list of everything ive ever done. BUT cookies are a solid piece of info that the internet uses to help. Pandora plays music that is similar to ones that you have rated. The song isnt always going to be one you like, but if you dislike one it will never play again. They are able to do this because of cookies. Since they have that info, I dont have to listen to that terrible song ever again. Overall I guess cookies aren't to bad. To my knowledge, they do more good for me than harm.

Friday, June 10, 2011

MLP One: 12 hours w/o Media

       The first assignment was....tough to put it simply. 12 hours with out any form of media (my cell, TV, radio etc.). Right off the bat I realized there is no way i would be able to do this since I had to work for the first part of the day. My job includes movies, albums, computer. But i made it a goal to not use my cell during the day, and while doin some school work I attempted to refrain from checking my fantasy baseball team, facebook, twitter and all the other stuff that normally distrated me from doin the work.
      The single hardest thing wasnt my cell or facebook....it was pandora. Tryin to sit down and do work in silence was well..... unbelievably hard. I found myself making random noises with my pen, or teeth, or fingers with out even noticing. I had to break up the silence. But other then the times when i was distracted by the lack of noise i realized that i was getting more work done then normal. Through this assignment I came to believe that a life with out media would be.....one hundred percent different. But me doing it for 12 hours (kind of) isnt really a good depiction of how it would be for an entire life. Its apparent to me that at least for a couple hours you get more work done....but come tomorrow Ill have pandora back up and running.